Reset, reclaim, recommit

Confession: The last couple weeks, I’ve let the circumstances and events of my life run me. Between training a production temp who didn’t stick around to finish the job to focusing far too much of my attention on my business trip to Atlanta, my priorities have slipped.

And for the time, I did little more than watch them go and count the hours till my life got back to “normal”. So, now that I’ve passed those points, it’s time to get proactive again.

Step one: Make sense of the cluttered pantry, restock as needed, and prep meals for the week, aka get the meals in order. For the last couple, I’ve been getting by on stuff stocked in the freezer and more than my share of nuts, dried fruits, and protein shakes. Mission accomplished.

I grilled chicken, made meatloaf with grass fed beef and bison, and managed to use all three size dishes in my slow cooker. The 2-quart made an apple cinnamon compote, the 4-quart was the perfect fit for beef short ribs, and the 6-quart worked overnight on pulled pork, half of which went into the freezer for later. I threw some veggies on the grill, too, and those I didn’t have for dinner last night made it into this morning’s omelette and tonight’s dinner.

Bottom line: My meals are set for the week. No hassles, no guessing. Just grab and go, knowing its all clean, nourishing food.

Step two: Relax and reset. I’ve been pretty wound up again, worried about training the temp while still keeping up my outbound schedule. So, I spent some time outside enjoying the perfect weather, I read a magazine or two, and I napped… Twice. Then, I went to work finishing the annoying undone tasks: paying bills, storing the suitcase for the next trip, doing laundry. And tomorrow, I can start my week with a clear head.

In the past, I wasn’t good about putting my health and my needs before others. I’m better at it now, but I still fall short sometimes, especially when the tensions rise. I know it’s an ongoing battle, and I can hope it gets easier over time.

Till then, I can be glad for weekends like this one, weekends that give me time to clear my head and start over.

Off to put the finishing touches on this day.

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