Tag Archives: clutter

Reset, reclaim, recommit

Confession: The last couple weeks, I’ve let the circumstances and events of my life run me. Between training a production temp who didn’t stick around to finish the job to focusing far too much of my attention on my business trip to Atlanta, my priorities have slipped.

And for the time, I did little more than watch them go and count the hours till my life got back to “normal”. So, now that I’ve passed those points, it’s time to get proactive again.
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Clearing out the 2012 clutter

Had this great post all written up about how I was going to use the next 10 days to complete some projects and de-clutter my world before 2013, and my computer crashed. So I apologize, dear reader. Recreating that magic just isn’t in the cards. But trust when I say the first version was better.

Anyway, this past week, I’ve been picking random drawers, boxes, closets, cabinets, whatever, and getting rid of garbage stuff, setting aside anything that could be recycled or donated. And it felt good, so the plan is to do more of it till my house is as clutter-free and uncomplicated as I can make it.

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